New Residential Building
The project concerns the construction of 8 apartments insidea a new residential building, located on an area of 1380 square meters. There is also a basement for cellars and garages.
Studio Associato Scaravaggi
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Tutte le immagini presenti nel sito sono di proprietà dello Studio Scaravaggi. E' vietata la riproduzione.
The project concerns the construction of 8 apartments insidea a new residential building, located on an area of 1380 square meters. There is also a basement for cellars and garages.
The context in which they are embodied are the former stables of Palazzo Visconti of Brignano Gera d’Adda, a place of particular historical importance, which leaves no indifference.
The project consists in the urban and architectural redevelopment of 1.900 square meters area, placed in the old town and currently occupied by an oil mill decommissioned.
The planned area of 2.800 square meters, near the old town, is currently occupied by disused craft buildings. It is subject of volumetric recovery and the project includes the construction of two residential buildings with 14 different types of apartments each one.
The project proposal concerned the urban regeneration of Piazza Garibaldi and the surrounding streets of the old town in Cassano d’Adda.
The project deals with the construction of a new detached house for residential use, in via Bressana in Treviglio.
The project involved the extraordinary maintenance of the facades of a building in Cologno Monzese, with 10 floors above ground with four stairwells for a total of 156 apartments
The project of conservative restoration of the Parish Church of San Giovanni a Porta Latina in Vidalengo – Caravaggio was characterized by the complete removal of masonry and wood structures of the attic, in order to eliminate unnecessary overweights that burdened the vaults and the underlying arches of the aisles.
The intervention consisted in new construction of a family house in Vaprio d’Adda.
The design idea of the multifunctional center, as dictated by the ideas competition, had the objective of creating a center of attraction that would extend and link the fragments of the old town preexistences, becoming a local identity catalytic agent.
The project dealt with the structural, architectural and energy improvement of a home-workshop of the 40s-50s, in the old town of Truccazzano.
The intervention consisted in the upgrading of the square of 10.000 square meters, divided into liturgical and civic sphere, giving clearness and poise characters, decorum and elegance formal details, a consistent choice of materials, urban furniture and lighting.