Studi aperti 14-15 ottobre 2016

Studi aperti 14-15 ottobre 2016Day of Contemporary STUDIO ASSOCIATO SCARAVAGGI OPENS ITS DOORS FOR THE DAY OF CONTEMPORARY AND THE INITIATIVE “STUDI APERTI 2016” FRIDAY 14TH FROM 2.00 TO 10.00 P.M. AND SATURDAY 15TH FROM 10.00 A.M. TO 2.00 P.M. at STUDIO ASSOCIATO SCARAVAGGI Viale C. Battisti 8, 24047 Treviglio   The experience “Studi Aperti”…

Visit to the Cersaie 2016

Studio Scaravaggi visit Cersaie On September 28th Studio Scaravaggi has visited Cersaie, the international exhibition of ceramics and finishes. The trade fair is an annual event for the Studio and represents a time of training, update about styles, materials, novelties, exchange and discussion with professionists and an opportunity for conviviality. SUMMARY INFORMATION Key concept: visit…