Temporary association of professionists:

Manfredi Nicoletti – Rome, Scaravaggi – Treviglio, Myallonier – Bergamo and Luca Maugeri – Rome


Upgrading municipal building formerly called “Upim” in Treviglio (Bergamo – Lombardia)

Ideas competition




Treviglio (BG)

The design idea of the multifunctional center, as dictated by the ideas competition, had the objective of creating a center of attraction that would extend and link the fragments of the old town preexistences, becoming a local identity catalytic agent.

The basic concept concerned the idea of spaciousness and intersections of pedestrian paths, with the aim of revitalizing the inside of the historic buildings, enhancing the purely civil service, as space of recreational and social gathering for the citizen. The guideline of the project was the permeability of the city and the connection with the building covering, characterized by transparent vertical surfaces and volumes which integrated the interior spaces with Piazza Garibaldi. In the project the Studio planned a theater, a game room, a newspaper library, a multipurpose room, a restaurant and commercial spaces.